Thursday, August 23, 2007

PHP Games: TryChess

Again Chess. Yeah, another PHP Chess games. I put this review because it is one of the best PHP Chess script.

TryChess is a multiplayer freeware chess game written in PHP5. Browser independant. Simply, login, search a friend and start a game. Features are: multiplayer game, no plugins needed, very user friendly GUI (graphical user interface),history function,....

TryChess is a multiplayer online chess game with many features. First it was only a test to try PHP5's news features. But it started growing and became a nearly complete chess game with many features.
A small listning of implemented features:
  • Multiplayer game
  • Preview move
  • Hostory of moves
  • Check and Check mate detection
  • Browser indepentant (even lynx works, but does not look so good :) )
  • Special moves supported partialy (rochade,...)
  • Top Score list
  • Invite friend function
  • "Who's online?"
  • Forum
  • Admin functions
  • Search for users

  • Downloads

    Monday, August 20, 2007

    PHP Chess Script: WebChess v0.8.4

    • Name
    • Version
    • Author
    • Cost
    • Category
    PHP / Games and Entertainment

    WebChess is an internet gaming programme with various noval improvement features. With this script we can improve our chess playing skills and anyone can master in chess game. Latest version feature highlights are, bug fixes, many small improvements and a significant improvement in checkmate checking, undo moves, no client download or java and will operate through firewalls, move validation including check, pawn promotion, castling and en-passant, displaying of previous moves, choice of board and piece themes. Very easy to install and execute this programme. An online demo is available on the website.

    What is WebChess?

    WebChess is an open source chess application which will allow you to play chess over the internet.

    New Roadmap

    Sandking has provided us with a new roadmap, check it out here, and see what features we are now working on.

    Key Features:
    • Graphical user interface.
    • No client download or java - will operate through firewalls.
    • Persistent Games.
    • Move validation, including check, pawn promotion, castling and en-passant.
    • Move history.
    • Undo!
    • Choice of board and piece themes.
    • Easy to install - PHP code and MySQL database only.

    Click here to Download

    PHP Chess - PHP - Games and Entertainment


    mySQL 3.23.18 and PHP 4


    1. Unzip the file onto your computer.
    2. Using notepad open the constants.php file and make the following changes:

      Change $username to the mySQL database username you have been given for your Web account.
      Change $password to the mySQL database password you have been given for your Web account.
      Change $dbase to the mySQL database name you have been given for your Web account.

    3. FTP to your Web Site and create a directory named Chess.
    4. Upload all .php files to the Chess directory using ASCII transfer.
    5. Create a subdirectory named Images under your Chess directory.
    6. Upload all image files to the Images subdirectory using BINARY transfer.
    7. From your Web Browser, run the createtables.php file:
    8. From your Web Browser, run the import.php file:
    9. You are now ready to run the PHP chess application from your Web Site:

    Playing PHP Chess:

    1. To chat with your playing partner, just type in your message in the text box
      where it says "Enter your chat message below" and click on "Submit Message".
    2. Before playing chess game, determine who will play White or Black Pieces with your
      playing partner. People playing the Black Pieces can click on the "Flip Chess Board Side"
      button for their point of view of the Chess board.
    3. Making a chess move by entering in your move in the textbox that says "Make a move",
      and click on "Make Your Move" button.
    4. If a mistake is made, you can always modify the chess board by using the Modify Chess
      Board option. Just select the desired piece to place on Chess board or select empty
      square to remove a piece from the Chess Board, and then select which Chess square will
      receive the action.
    5. You will also use the Modify Chess Board option to promote your piece when it reaches
      your opponents first rank, or when an En Passant move has been played, or for
      king and queen side castling.

    The PHP Chess Script can be downloaded here.

    View Online Demo Of PHP Chess